SELF Student Success Coaching
Mainong Yang
Mainong Yang

Mainong Yang

Hello, my name is Mainong Yang, and I am a SELF Student Success Coach. My role as a Success Coach is to provide a safe and comfortable space for students to share and reflect on their academic experiences. The intention behind each meeting is for students to create goals through their own lens to ensure their success. It is through collaboration and transparency that I support students to achieve their goals.

As a first-generation college graduate, I have a passion for working in college readiness and supporting students to succeed. I received my B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Minnesota and my Master's in Educational Leadership: Student Affairs and Higher Education from Minnesota State University Moorhead. During my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my family and friends, going on mini adventures in the Twin Cities with my partner, and trying new hobbies. I look forward to supporting students from Minnesota and across the nation.

"I'm excited to be a part of your college experience as your success coach! Success coaching allows you to enhance your vision of success in college through goal setting and completion, discovering new resources, and defining what success means as a college student. As your success coach, I can help you apply your strengths to accomplish your goals to achieve the college experience you envision. I hope as you achieve your goals and create the college experiences you want, you can apply what you learned from success coaching beyond your time in college."

Topics I am excited to work with you on this year:

  • Transition from high school to college
  • Finding your community on campus
  • Study abroad
  • Graduate school options
  • Academics and registration
  • Financial literacy
  • Volunteering and community service
  • Career and major exploration