Educate yourSELF with a Minnesota SELF Loan

SELF Defaulted Loan Online Payment

To make an online payment on your defaulted SELF Loan, handled by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (not Aspire Servicing Center) you need to enter your last name and Parti ID. Your Parti ID appears on your monthly statements. For Aspire Servicing Center billing, see below*.


Please Note:

  • Credit card/debit card payments are not accepted.
  • Payments can be designated to certain notes on the next screen.
  • ADDRESS CHANGES: We are not notified if you update your address within the online payment process. Please notify us of address changes using the contact information below.
  • RECURRING PAYMENTS: To set up or stop a recurring payment and not actually make a payment at this time, please proceed as though you were making a payment. You will be able to set up a recurring payment without making an actual payment.
    • To change your recurring payment account or amount you must stop your existing recurring payment and establish a new one.
  • PAYMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: There is no same day payment option. Payments made before 8:00 p.m. CT are processed the next business day and payments after 8:00 p.m. are processed in two business days.

Aspire Servicing Center – If your loan is serviced by Aspire Servicing Center, go to Aspire Servicing Center to make an online payment.